Yesterday afternoon Sammi had me come talk to her class about bike safety and try to give her kids a little excitement. She teaches 1st through 3rd grade mild to moderate special ed and deals with kids of varying disabilities.
Before I came in she had discussed some basics with them and let them know I was coming. I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked in the classroom but the responses were priceless:
"Hey you're the mountain man!" Yup, that's me.
"It's the bike... guy!" Uh-huh.
"Bike (long pause) errr!!!" Mmm hmm.
I proceeded to show them my helmet and asked them what it was. Lots of hands, calling out- "a helmet." Indeed it is. And why do we want a helmet? "To protect your head." Hey you kids are good. Sammi prepped them well.
I clipped my shoe in to a pedal without my foot in it and spun it around. That really stole the show.
Lots of random questions and comments later we went outside and I bunny hopped over a cement wall and down a drop on to a grassy hill. At first I was skeptical and didn't think they'd be too impressed but I had to do not one, but two, encore jumps.
The best (almost worst) part came when I said goodbye to the class and got on my bike to ride away... with my helmet in a bag. Oops. I took the opportunity to ask the kids what I was forgetting (phew good save). A few "You're #1's" and I was on my way.
After I was thinking that she probably has one of the most challenging jobs out there of but I could see why it can be so rewarding.
5 years ago